
Scalable Architecture - from 1 to 10000 users globally as well as from 10 completed surveys or a million completed surveys per project, SurveyAnalytics architecture can cope with any scale of project or company. Surveys Anywhere - we have modules for on and offline data collection for iPad/Apple IOS devices, we have a smartphone survey module with an "app" based reward system as well as a comprehensive web based interviewing system. On or off line, in the home or in the mall, SurveyAnalytics can do the survey where ever you need it. SurveyAnalytics the one stop shop for research - our system provides multiple platform surveys along with email, social media and QR code survey invitations, online analytics and dash boards, conjoint and TURF analysis, dial testing (including in home dial testing on smartphones - SurveyAnalytics is all you need on platform to conduct consumer research. To learn more about specific solutions please see below:

Enterprise Feedback

Allow for your entire company to collect and analyze data.

Market Research

Agencies use SurveyAnalytics to conduct primary research and publish reports.

Voice of the Customer

Listen to your customers. Ongoing programs for VOC implementations.

Brand Equity Measurement

Determine and measure how much your brand is worth - analytically.

OpenGov - License for Federal Agencies

List of Federal Agencies under TOS contract with SurveyAnalytics.

University Site License

University wide license for students and faculty.

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